JCD, Aalborg
Impressive solutions and innovationJCD contacted LITE A/S for advice about lighting solutions for their new facilities on Systemvej in Aalborg. JCD had chosen impressive solutions for their new headquarters, so it was vital for LITE A/S to come up with equally impressive, innovative lighting solutions. For the large entrance, canteen area and intermediate courtyard environment, we chose LED RGB strip lights, which are built into the ceiling. This provides very special lighting. Especially after nightfall, this lighting really makes the entrance look special. In the canteen area we also installed LITE’s dimmable RON-range Track Lights, because it is important for the light to be dimmed, whenever they use projectors in this space.
In collaboration with JCD’s architect, we came up with a totally different and innovative solution. The LED strip, which was installed in the canteen area, would continue outside in their atrium courtyard and down into a small pond. The effect is stunning and the solution is particularly exciting.
JCD achieved solutions consistent with their need for both excellent working light and creative illumination.